Dear Guy Who Can't Get Laid,
Start wearing a tie every day. Call me when your dick is a gooey puddle of its former self due to raging overuse.
* * * *
As I shuffled through the dreaded PATH this morning, clutching my recycled cardboard scone (still, I know) and elbowing my way past all the other suited zombies, I noticed an alarming number of "men" wearing full suits with no ties. We're not talking "ohmyfuck I can't believe I finally had that threesome last night!!!!! I'm so out of it I'm wearing my girlfriend's underwear and forgot my tie! FACK!" That would actually be fair and, let's be real, hot.
These are guys that can also be caught wearing sunglasses in the PATH. WHERE THERE IS NO SUNLIGHT. Read: they have season's passes to Doucheville.
Most of them have a little shit-eating grin going on as well, like "Hey. That's right. I'm not wearing a tie. I know. That's just me. I play by my own rules. Yeah."
Little do they know that pretty much every woman is thinking the same thing "I so don't want to be anywhere near your dick."
Here's the deal, GWCGL. All of you, yes - even you, look 210% hotter when you're wearing a tie. Fact. (If you're not reaching for a tie as you read this, you should be. Go!) There are only a few situations where it is acceptable to not be wearing a tie:
1. Halloween
2. Sex* (* we'll come back to this)
3. In the shower
Otherwise, unless you're actively trying to get less head on a day to day basis, I should be able to hear you working that Windsor knot as I type this. You should wear one every day. EVERY day. But ESPECIALLY if you wear a suit to work!!!! There are very, very few men who can pull off the suit + no tie look. For your convenience, I have located these rare examples and posted them below. Observe:
You'll notice that one of the exceptions is BATMAN. Is this becoming more clear? I mean he's fucking BATMAN, ok?? You'll also notice that Alfred (who is a PIMP) IS wearing a tie. Even though bitch is SO bad-ass, he knows how to handle his shit. His glory days have come and gone (even though I'd still totally sit on his face in a second) and girlfriend knows this. As such, he keeps it tight and sexy by the adding of tie to neck. Well played, you delicious old beast.
Here's what: women like the following three things a lot:
1. money
2. power
3. sex
The tie, whether we realize it or not, is a symbol of all three. Let's attack them one at a time, shall we?
I know there are some scunts out there reading this going "noooo! I don't care about money! Blahblahblah!" Bitch, I'm going to slap those words out of your Dior-coated lips. End it.
True, women care LESS about money ever since those hot-ass suffragettes told us we could use rolling pins as dildos instead of pie-making instruments, throw some shoes all up on our bare feet and trade in a handful of screaming brats for a handful of dolla dolla bills by gettin' PAID ourselves!
Now that we can make our own cash money instead of only being able to acquire it in exchange for exclusive ownership of our vajacquelines, it's less of a necessity for the men in our lives to be packing coin as well. Thanks, we're good.
Who doesn't like the idea of MORE benjamins? Even you hot sluts out there who own one pair of hand-me-down jeans and spend your summers building schools for poor little tykes in the Third World get wet at the thought of more dough. Hello - more schools! More food for the starving kidlets! Point being, you don't have to be a materialistic asswhore to love money. No matter what you plan to spend it on, it never really hurts to have double. Check.
A guy wearing a tie makes dollar bills appear in women's eyes just like in those awesome old-timey cartoons. KA-CHING! Cuz for real, if buddy is willing to spend $100 on a difficult and restrictive piece of clothing, he's probably willing to spend it on you, too.
While women enjoy getting off in a sexy-time way and are pretty good at doing so themselves thanks to the Rabbit (so I've heard...I'm still too scared to use mine!!! eeeee! It's collecting dust in my closet, that $60 stealing son of a bitch!), nothing gets a woman off like power.
There are two basic ways for women to become all-powerful:
1. Work your fucking ass off
2. Steal it from some guy
While I *hope* that most women prefer the first option since it's challenging and amazing, I know that that's not the case for all the ladies out there. And as with money, even if you have your own power to begin with, who doesn't want a little bit more if presented with the opportunity?
This opportunity, according to most women's subconscious calculations, can often be found in the form of a penis wearing a suit + tie combo. Seriously, bitches don't even think about it. You see three dudes walking by in baggy jeans and ironic t-shirts, you stare right through them at the chick walking behind them with the killer heels. You see three ties walking by, your ovaries start purring. I'm telling you, it's fucked. The tie brings it hard.
3. SEXXXXXXXXXXXXXX (in your mouth)
Fuck. I always get so horny around this time in the afternoon that just writing that made me consider typing "library gangbang" into google on my work computer. Anyway.
The third (and most important for your purposes, GWCGL) power of the tie is that it makes a lot of women think about sex. Well, at least this lustful bay street hussie. What are we thinking, exactly? Generally a dizzied assortment of the following:
1. Nice tie. Nice suit. Good dresser. I bet he shaves his balls. I want them.
2. I want to tie him up / want him to tie me up with that tie.
3. I want to pull him into my body with that tie.
4. I'm going to hold onto that tie when I'm riding him.
True story.
So, GWCGL, are you convinced yet? I hope yes. Because unless you're this guy
you need to tie one on.
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
It's Official
1. I'm Drunkkkkkkkkk!
2. "Amazing" by Kanye is the best song to listen to while waiting for the streetcar. Or walking to work. Or getting ready to go out with your betches. Or generally in life when you need to feel high. You can disagree, but I'll find you, and cut you. Actually this whole GD album is incredible. I was such a hater at first! For so long!!! Oh, forgive me your ego-ness! I love thee as much as always!!! Memories made in the coldest winterrrr..... sorry. I'm listening to the shit right. now. Nathan is coming to kill me soon, I can feel it....but still: streelights...glowing... no. stop m.
oohhh did I mention I'm drizazzlunk?
Which brings me to my NEXT POINT: !!!
3. Drinking On Mondays = YES. It's the new everything.
4. The prodigal son returns on Saturday! Riots permitting, of course. I'm going to slap him in the skull hole for his sins. Who's with me!
Aaaaaaand scene!
2. "Amazing" by Kanye is the best song to listen to while waiting for the streetcar. Or walking to work. Or getting ready to go out with your betches. Or generally in life when you need to feel high. You can disagree, but I'll find you, and cut you. Actually this whole GD album is incredible. I was such a hater at first! For so long!!! Oh, forgive me your ego-ness! I love thee as much as always!!! Memories made in the coldest winterrrr..... sorry. I'm listening to the shit right. now. Nathan is coming to kill me soon, I can feel it....but still: streelights...glowing... no. stop m.
oohhh did I mention I'm drizazzlunk?
Which brings me to my NEXT POINT: !!!
3. Drinking On Mondays = YES. It's the new everything.
4. The prodigal son returns on Saturday! Riots permitting, of course. I'm going to slap him in the skull hole for his sins. Who's with me!
Aaaaaaand scene!
Thursday, April 2, 2009
Petit Frere - A Mildly Serious Post (sowwy)
As I attempt to concentrate at work during this anxiety-ridden week, I find myself thinking about The Boy (it's what I call the little bro - he calls me The Girl) and worrying, like a lame big sister, and needing to find comfort in something, anything from him.
So I'm reading through some FB messages and emails from the past few months since he's been in The Asia (that's what everyone calls it now). We've had our own....language (you can barely call it that) since we were little. It mostly involves Simpsons and favourite movie lines, inside jokes, lots of shortening of words, random French, and a shit load of gibberish.
This is the last message I got from him before the head injury. Which is ironic, because this is totally what I would expect a POST-head injury email to look like. I apologize to your eyes and brain in advance:
March 18, 2009:
"Subject: Myyyyyeeerrrrrrggg!
Here's you'e TRUE discussion! I'm just gonna look at the keyboard and go....seatbelts? I love you...
I cant fuckin do it. haha no i can maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan Gilrl...Gil yea > RRRR GiRl hahahahaha zoe-age: YoU gO gIrL!
point is...I'm fucked
moving on...
I Think i tap out right now. Laos is amazing
K intelligent thought...go!: Lost it.
Ummmm Aunt Mo says you're done something or the time has come or some shit, you pull up your dress and let's cut a swath of next-gen [insert our last name] impeccable journeying.....MASTERS OF THE UNIVERSE! I'm he-man you're shee-ra, bligaddydaow! game on.
k i gotta uploard pictures...(haha uploard is a funny word) love bye yes!
pee-ess. Now I dig for oil! I consider myself and OIL-man! Now I'm a FAMily man! This is my son H. W....
I got it on me ipod. D-day is my fav actor for sure...stamped it"
Um...riiight. I'm pretty sure this injury involved mushrooms or Laos Beer. And by pretty sure I mean positive, judging by this hot verbal mess.
Anyway, NEXT!
December 26, 2008
I'm clearly hammered in a bar right now that offers free Internet. It's 2:17 am. Life is good!
Nice email. I got teary-eyed, but no further than that. You don't yet have the power to make me cry...voluntarily maybe. Man I'm growing up. I hate everyone here. But they're all I have. so i have to learn to love what i hate. hahaha ramblings, it's not that dramatic but that's a quick overview. No I love it. I'm having a blasty-cakes. Missed ya'll on xmas and xmas didnt feel like a real xmas without cold weather and proper music and friends. But I organized a white elephant game with the volunteers. T'was a good time. I ended up with the bottle of cobra/scorpion wine that i bought. It is absolutely rank and horrible. I'm gonna finish it one day.
Living is so cheap here. The perfect place to ride out this economical crash and shit, though i don't understand it. Love to hear your spiritual evolution of treating others with love and understanding. That's what it's all about sister. The Power of Now, book that i jacked that uncle michael gave you once...I'm reading shit. I grow wiser by the page. It's really good stuff, I'm gonna market it to you at an annoying rate, you have to read it.
But not high. It's impossible to read high ahhaha. Weed here is absolute dogshit. So dry and crappy, but 10 bucks gets you like 5 grams. Worth it.
Anyways I'm gonna pee my pants so I'd best let you know that one day the travel of me and youse must inevitably occur. Fuck, you and your lawyering, you'll have 10 year old kids by the time you're able to take time off to vacay. Here's to the dream. Oh and thank for your patented ego-pat, what with the you're so handsome, smart, amazing, genius, loving, cover of GQ, Clooney has nothing on you, you make the world turn lovingness only a sister like you can dole out. So much BS, but that was the part that teared me up cause I believe you meant it. (YOU'D BETTER HAVE FUCKING MEANT IT!) I take a much simpler approach (the beautiful differences between us): I love you M!
All I need to say. I love you.....I miss you too! There.
Le Gas"
Love you too, boy.
OK. Now I'm emosh.
Back to talking about ear-fuckin' and ball-garglin' next post, promise!
P.S. These kids are clearly not my bother and I. Gotta protect our secret identities! Also, they're way cuter.
As I attempt to concentrate at work during this anxiety-ridden week, I find myself thinking about The Boy (it's what I call the little bro - he calls me The Girl) and worrying, like a lame big sister, and needing to find comfort in something, anything from him.
So I'm reading through some FB messages and emails from the past few months since he's been in The Asia (that's what everyone calls it now). We've had our own....language (you can barely call it that) since we were little. It mostly involves Simpsons and favourite movie lines, inside jokes, lots of shortening of words, random French, and a shit load of gibberish.
This is the last message I got from him before the head injury. Which is ironic, because this is totally what I would expect a POST-head injury email to look like. I apologize to your eyes and brain in advance:
March 18, 2009:
"Subject: Myyyyyeeerrrrrrggg!
Here's you'e TRUE discussion! I'm just gonna look at the keyboard and go....seatbelts? I love you...
I cant fuckin do it. haha no i can maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan Gilrl...Gil yea > RRRR GiRl hahahahaha zoe-age: YoU gO gIrL!
point is...I'm fucked
moving on...
I Think i tap out right now. Laos is amazing
K intelligent thought...go!: Lost it.
Ummmm Aunt Mo says you're done something or the time has come or some shit, you pull up your dress and let's cut a swath of next-gen [insert our last name] impeccable journeying.....MASTERS OF THE UNIVERSE! I'm he-man you're shee-ra, bligaddydaow! game on.
k i gotta uploard pictures...(haha uploard is a funny word) love bye yes!
pee-ess. Now I dig for oil! I consider myself and OIL-man! Now I'm a FAMily man! This is my son H. W....
I got it on me ipod. D-day is my fav actor for sure...stamped it"
Um...riiight. I'm pretty sure this injury involved mushrooms or Laos Beer. And by pretty sure I mean positive, judging by this hot verbal mess.
Anyway, NEXT!
December 26, 2008
I'm clearly hammered in a bar right now that offers free Internet. It's 2:17 am. Life is good!
Nice email. I got teary-eyed, but no further than that. You don't yet have the power to make me cry...voluntarily maybe. Man I'm growing up. I hate everyone here. But they're all I have. so i have to learn to love what i hate. hahaha ramblings, it's not that dramatic but that's a quick overview. No I love it. I'm having a blasty-cakes. Missed ya'll on xmas and xmas didnt feel like a real xmas without cold weather and proper music and friends. But I organized a white elephant game with the volunteers. T'was a good time. I ended up with the bottle of cobra/scorpion wine that i bought. It is absolutely rank and horrible. I'm gonna finish it one day.
Living is so cheap here. The perfect place to ride out this economical crash and shit, though i don't understand it. Love to hear your spiritual evolution of treating others with love and understanding. That's what it's all about sister. The Power of Now, book that i jacked that uncle michael gave you once...I'm reading shit. I grow wiser by the page. It's really good stuff, I'm gonna market it to you at an annoying rate, you have to read it.
But not high. It's impossible to read high ahhaha. Weed here is absolute dogshit. So dry and crappy, but 10 bucks gets you like 5 grams. Worth it.
Anyways I'm gonna pee my pants so I'd best let you know that one day the travel of me and youse must inevitably occur. Fuck, you and your lawyering, you'll have 10 year old kids by the time you're able to take time off to vacay. Here's to the dream. Oh and thank for your patented ego-pat, what with the you're so handsome, smart, amazing, genius, loving, cover of GQ, Clooney has nothing on you, you make the world turn lovingness only a sister like you can dole out. So much BS, but that was the part that teared me up cause I believe you meant it. (YOU'D BETTER HAVE FUCKING MEANT IT!) I take a much simpler approach (the beautiful differences between us): I love you M!
All I need to say. I love you.....I miss you too! There.
Le Gas"
Love you too, boy.
OK. Now I'm emosh.
Back to talking about ear-fuckin' and ball-garglin' next post, promise!
P.S. These kids are clearly not my bother and I. Gotta protect our secret identities! Also, they're way cuter.
Men = Dicks
By which I mean, men should probably be viewed from here on in as being just giant (if you're lucky) walking penises.
This could really work out well for the ladies as long as you keep your expectations focused on the dick and what it can do for you. According to the charming bachelors from the comment section in my last post, most men view us as a walking pair of tits, so why not return the favour! Trust, this can work out well for everyone!
That being said, girls, if the peen doesn't work (cough*Sare*cough) it should be promptly discarded along with your former hopes and dreams of having actual man friends who like you for more than the possibility of drunken ass sex if their insane girlfriend wakes up one day.
Mouahahaha. Just kidding boys!! You know I love you. I'm just trying to generate some more heated comments because this shit is hilarrrriiious to read! You guys are totally serving each other (oooh, snap!) and it's glorious. More! More I say - more!
Personally I don't buy a lot of these comments. I have tons of actual guy friends! Though recently several have confessed their secret hard ons for me, but... shit. Damn it. Whatever. I'm going to make a list and report back! I'm SURE I have some real PMFs (platonic male friends) in my life! I swear!
GIRLS I want to hear from you. Type your heated little hearts off, please. The Official Post on Platonic Friendship is coming soon!
Finally, sorry this post is so unbelievably lame and not funny. Just wanted to give you something and let you know I loves the comments. I'm currently having a bit of a personal crisis involving....drum roll.....a boy! Little brother to be exact. Even the men in your own family can be bastards! Anyway the little bastard is having brain surgery (yes, BRAIN SURGERY) in Thailand on Sunday. I know...selfish! Thanks for injuring yourself doing some retarded man activity and causing me to now be crippled with fear and anxiety until I know you're out of the gray zone, bitch. It's funny because I'm trying to yell at him through the interweb but he's clearly not reading this since, well, he's bandaged up in a Thai hospital. MEN NEVER LISTEN!
In conclusion, today's lesson is that joking about shitty shit - whether it be man-dicks or skull fractures - helps you calm down and not freak out. Believe.
Know what else helps you calm down? Sex. On that note, I need to make some phone calls.
Platonically yours,
This could really work out well for the ladies as long as you keep your expectations focused on the dick and what it can do for you. According to the charming bachelors from the comment section in my last post, most men view us as a walking pair of tits, so why not return the favour! Trust, this can work out well for everyone!
That being said, girls, if the peen doesn't work (cough*Sare*cough) it should be promptly discarded along with your former hopes and dreams of having actual man friends who like you for more than the possibility of drunken ass sex if their insane girlfriend wakes up one day.
Mouahahaha. Just kidding boys!! You know I love you. I'm just trying to generate some more heated comments because this shit is hilarrrriiious to read! You guys are totally serving each other (oooh, snap!) and it's glorious. More! More I say - more!
Personally I don't buy a lot of these comments. I have tons of actual guy friends! Though recently several have confessed their secret hard ons for me, but... shit. Damn it. Whatever. I'm going to make a list and report back! I'm SURE I have some real PMFs (platonic male friends) in my life! I swear!
GIRLS I want to hear from you. Type your heated little hearts off, please. The Official Post on Platonic Friendship is coming soon!
Finally, sorry this post is so unbelievably lame and not funny. Just wanted to give you something and let you know I loves the comments. I'm currently having a bit of a personal crisis involving....drum roll.....a boy! Little brother to be exact. Even the men in your own family can be bastards! Anyway the little bastard is having brain surgery (yes, BRAIN SURGERY) in Thailand on Sunday. I know...selfish! Thanks for injuring yourself doing some retarded man activity and causing me to now be crippled with fear and anxiety until I know you're out of the gray zone, bitch. It's funny because I'm trying to yell at him through the interweb but he's clearly not reading this since, well, he's bandaged up in a Thai hospital. MEN NEVER LISTEN!
In conclusion, today's lesson is that joking about shitty shit - whether it be man-dicks or skull fractures - helps you calm down and not freak out. Believe.
Know what else helps you calm down? Sex. On that note, I need to make some phone calls.
Platonically yours,
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